Friday, March 30, 2007

Summer fun

It would be wonderful, if friends I have made on this course could catch up and have a break over the summer. I realise this may not be possible because of deadlines over the summer, which I have avoided due to giving myself longer to get my book together, and deferring the MA unit.
However these are my only 2holidays I allow myself in the year. It would be great if any of you could make it to any of these lovely festival weekends. &


emapple said...

I'd love some summer fun if I'm able to.

Also, well done, it sounds like you're getting on really well with everything. I'm in a total panic at the moment and trying not to think about it!!!

I really admire your ability to sing - especially a capella. It's funny us anxious types - there's always elements where we're okay even if we collapse when dealing with the rest of the world - it's like me and my activism and public speaking. I'm fine with it - I just can't pick up the telephone and make a normal conversation.

Would love to hear you sing though...

Rae said...

Are you going to Maker then ?
Thought I'd swing by on Friday after lunch for a catch up. Will you be around ?