Sunday, October 18, 2009

Life has been moving so fast I’ve had trouble keeping up.

Life has been moving so fast I’ve had trouble keeping up. I’ve started work, have been travelling to Plymouth with my Mum who was supposed to be going in for an operation which has now been put off, and my daughter Tamsin has gone to travel the world for a year with her boyfriend (of four years), and she left this week. They are in India now, in Mumbai where she says it is hot, smelly and busy, and are off to the sea in the next couple of days. I am so excited for her, it will be an amazing experience but I am going to miss her. The last couple of weeks I have tried to spend as much time as I could with her and the week before her going I must admit I have been quite emotional. I went on a ‘leaving do’ night out in our home town last Friday, and then we had an early Christmas last Sunday. We had a Christmas tree up, a lovely dinner, Christmas pudding, crackers, and even a pressie each. It was great fun. We all really got into the spirit of it. I even got happy Christmas texts from friends.

Also after years of not being well enough to work, in the past couple of months I have spent days working on job applications, and have got an interview for each one. Three weeks ago on a Friday I went to an interview and started work on the Monday. I am back doing Advice work, which is where my experience lies. I feel I am good at it, and it is the sort of work I love. I am part of an exciting project working for the CAB delivering sessions in jobcentres. I am so chuffed It does seem like my dream job. Not only does it combine research, & meeting different people, as an added bonus one a big aim of the CAB is about influencing Social Policy and they have been very successful in doing this. One example of their social policy work is after incapacity benefit changed to Employment Support Allowance (ESA) a certain amount of income from permitted work was disregarded for people on non contribution based ESA, but not for people on contribution based ESA. The CAB brought this to the attention of the Government and the 2009 budget including provision that means that the earning limits will be the same for both contribution and non contribution based ESA from 2010. They have also been instrumental in bringing about changes in policy in areas such as: Working tax credit run on, backdating housing benefit and accessibility of Job Centre plus. The CAB has great ethics and seems to have passion for what they do. I am really excited about the job; I can see myself staying with them, and maybe changing roles in years to come and would love to be involved with the Social Policy work in the future.

Also I am very chuffed that I have not had the physical symptoms of panic/anxiety while taking part in group-work. This had been my biggest worry about working. I had thought I would be fine on a one to one basis, and believed the overwhelming feelings I get in a group situation would always affect me. It hasn’t I have gone to training courses and not only not experienced these feelings, I have been an active contributor and really enjoyed them. After years of negativity and anxiety taking over I thought I would never be able to do this type of work again. Over the last year the work I have done on myself has really paid off. I have transformed myself from a frightened of life, can’t do, person, to a sparkly and bright, loving life, can do person. The future looks exciting.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Slow Dance

My friend John posted this up on his blog and I wanted to share it with you all. Thank you John :) xxx

This poem was written by a terminally ill young girl in a New York Hospital .

Have you ever watched kids
On a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain
Slapping on the ground?
Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
You better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
Do you run through each day
On the fly?
When you ask How are you?
Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done
Do you lie in your bed
With the next hundred chores
Running through your head?
You'd better slow down
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
Ever told your child,
We'll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste,
Not seen hissorrow?
Ever lost touch,
Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time To call and say,
'Hi'You'd better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there.
When you worry and hurry through your day,
It is like an unopened gift....Thrown away.
Life is not a race.
Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over.

Friday, July 31, 2009

When words fail Music speaks

Whenever someone asks me to pick my favourite songs I find I may pick different tunes, and my list may change from time to time. However there may be a few tunes that seem to have been on your list for many years. These are the few I think about immediately when thinking of my favourite songs:

Dub be good to me Beats International (it was a cover But this is my favourite)

Say a little prayer Aretha Franklin

Back to life Soul to Soul

Shoulda woulda coulda Beverly Knight

Perfect Fairground Attraction

Blue Joni Mitchell

Ain’t nobody Chaka Khan

Rome wasn’t built in a day Moorcheeba

One love Bob Marley

Univited Alanis Morrisette

Silver screen shower scene Felix Da Housecat

Start wearing purple Gogol Bordello (What can I say I love purple)

Littlest birds Be good Tanya’s

The list could go on and on and on. If anyone reads this, comment with some of your favourite songs.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

I am me Take me or leave me

It has taken many years to say this and mean this: I am an individual, I don’t want to, and don’t think I do, conform to stereotypes, I like being a bit different.
Yet in darker times being different was very much part of the problem. Worrying about how people perceived me was one negative pattern of thinking I now recognise as being a big contributor to my depression. Living with anxiety means I have been living within another contradiction. A contradiction, such as doing a Community work degree and not being able to do community work, because it sometimes involves being confrontational and standing up to perceived authority.
Part of my recovery has been due to learning to love and accept myself as I am, not berating myself for the things I can’t do, but looking instead at what I can do. Now I recognise and celebrate my abilities, I recognise I can share my passion through writing, and if people agree with what I am saying that is great, but I people don’t I’ve got to a stage in my life where it doesn’t bother me half as much. People either like me or they don’t. They can take me or leave me. The only person’s approval I need is my own.

Friday, July 03, 2009

Still smiling :-)

Again I have been neglecting blogger, so I am going to sum the last month up very briefly. Its been a month of much fun rest and relaxation, albeit intermingled between lots of Stress. I am pleased and a little amazed, I have managed to stay smiling. Lets get the crap out of the way first and then focus on the positive.

I've had car nightmares. My car has been off the road for over two months: we try this, its not that, oh it might be this, and so it goes on! Having a friend help me sort my car situation has not paid off. Instead I have spent £600 on a stop gap dustbin on wheels that can't be driven any distance until some more work is done on it.

Both laptops are at the fixers, and I am not sure whether they are fixable at all, they are both over three years old. I won't even go in to the official post/paperwork/money stuff that's landed through my door Arghhhhhhhh

What has kept me smiling is:

The sun shining (hasn't the weather been amazing), getting out into the countryside, spending time with beautiful people, Calstock Green festival, Dancing, new friends, old friends, music, Mazey Day at Penzance, feeling blessed to have beautiful people in my life, and maybe the wisdom to ensure I do surround myself with positivity.

Feeling positive enough to apply for a full on proper job, and being able to get a hand written application together, which should be worthy of consideration, with no laptop, and no access to my CV.

I have lots of fun stuff to look forward to, and after a bit of escapism in the summer, I think I may have a bit a future (career wise) to look forward to.

Friday, June 12, 2009

A good site for anyone wanting to lose weight.

If you came across my blog a year or so ago, you will know that I went on a new healthy living regime at the beginning of 2008. I had put on a lot of weight and was in danger of going up another dress size. However over a year I managed to lose a stone, get fit (I swam 22 miles in 10 weeks in a sponsored swim), and give up smoking.

Eating just one or two hundred extra calories a day can pile on the pounds over time, and it can happen so slowly a person may not notice it happening until they need to go out and buy new clothes. That was what happened to me when I was at University doing my degree, a combination of cheap student cooked breakfasts and big baguette lunches, and shopping regularly in the sales for clothes, by the end of the four years I was three and a half stone overweight. I only managed to lose it afterwards by calorie counting.

Now unfortunately my age is against me, my metabolism has slowed down (the rate at which my body burns calories), also I am on medication which increases my appetite (and I’ve always had a good appetite) Therefore if I don’t keep an eye on what I eat and the exercise I take I can easily pile on the pounds. This is what has happened to me since Christmas, I have a bit of a muffin top, and my jeans are getting a little tight. So I have decided to get back on the case for a few weeks.

Recommended by a friend I joined a really good site where you can keep a food diary and log exercise, make friends, and join groups to keep you motivated. There are is mixture of people on there, and I was shocked to see a few people who weighed less than me with targets that if I achieved I would look barely alive, however the majority of people on there are struggling with their weight and have realistic goals. You don’t have to want to lose weight to be on there. You have a choice of picking that you want to: lose weight, maintain weight, or gain weight. At the beginning you also log your general level of activity such as; whether you sit most of the day or have a physical job. You also log your weight and your target weight, the site will estimate how many calories you can eat a day (or you can change this amount up or down if you want faster or slower results).

The idea is that every day you log everything you eat and count the calories as you go. On your home page you will see a calorie metre and a burn metre (which goes up during the day and is determined by how active you said your lifestyle was). Daily you can log any exercise/activity you do and this increases your burn metre and therefore the amount of calories you can consume. There are also groups you can join, I have joined a group for women over 40, people who want to lose between 6 and 10 pounds, and a general women’s health group. Each group has a forum for discussion which you can join in with and make friends with similar people. I have already replied to a discussion about someone who has found they may have an under active thyroid.

If you want to lose a few pounds, or just try not to put weight on, and you have time and can access the internet daily then this site may be worth a go. Check it out:

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Searching for the positives

As I have discussed in my posting on positive affirmations, by telling yourself something enough you may be able to re-programme negative ways of thinking. How I have dealt with the shock of finding my assailant on a social networking site I am on, on Monday, is an example of how I have done this. One of the things I tell myself is that there us something to learn from every experience and every person that comes into our lives. I could and almost did end up spiralling down into a pit of despair, no energy, couldn’t focus etc etc. However on Tuesday morning, while cleaning, I listened to some positive affirmations. This then gave me enough of a boost to think ‘Well what is there to be learnt from this situation and what can I do to turn it into a positive?’ (More on how I turned it to a positive in a bit)

While still finding myself being overwhelmed by emotions, my thought process turned to recognising and challenging the reasons for being overtaken by tears. The past few days are also an example of how Carolyn Myss theories, have been, and are so much of a help. On Monday, I wanted to reach out to my friends for reassurance that I was OK, instead of being confident in myself that I am OK. In my despair on Monday I had phoned a women’s support centre, and I got a phone call back on the Tuesday afternoon. I had done a lot of thinking by then, although realising I had put the incident on the back burner, without negating the effect it had on me on Monday I realised that it is unlikely to do any good to delve and revisit what had happened. Another affirmation I tell myself is that the past has no power over me now; I can learn from it and move on. This is basically what I decided to do. We had left it that she will ring me next week and set up some sessions if I felt I needed it, but I don’t think I will need them. Carolyn Myss theories have helped me deal with this on my own, listen and respect my own voice, and enabled me to bounce back quicker from any knock backs.

So what is there to be learnt from this situation? I have learnt I can find the answers I need to move forward from the challenges that Monday presented within myself. One of the biggest worries was that he would see status, photos, comments I may make, etc, through my friends profiles. So I have learnt I can block someone on this site and not only do they not see me I don’t see them either. Perfect!! What can I do to turn it into a positive? After talking to the support worker at the women’s centre and searching the net there doesn’t seem to be any specific information on how to deal with this situation, so I am now researching and writing an article which may be of use to other people who may find themselves in a similar situation, and don’t want to stop networking online.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Hey, My sparkle isn't going to go out.

It has been a bit odd that after summarising CD1 on self esteem, I have been presented with many challenges, and I am feeling very overwhelmed by emotions. I am writing this while the tears flow, and need to remind myself of Carolyn’s message.
To start off with my car died this week, which was a bit of a shock, after being a great car for many years. On top of that it was the anniversary of my Dad dying, I went out with my Mum for the day and we had a lovely trip out. Even though we had a great day and we maybe presented a strong persona to each other, I did struggle all week I felt very emotional and tearful. I love my Dad and I miss him sooo much.

Today thou was the straw that broke the camels back as they say, I went onto one of the social networking type sites I am on, and noticed the person who abused me last year, has now joined and is friends with some of my friends. I don’t want to delete them as its been great to get back into contact with them. The tears haven’t stopped, but I don’t want to cry It’s giving him more energy. I am surprised by my reaction; maybe the tears are needed.

It has been difficult to keep my sparkle, but I am determined it won’t go out. I’ve just got back from a lovely weekend away, which included visiting new outstandingly beautiful corners of Cornwall. I have beautiful friends, who love me, and I have my health. The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it. Hey my sparkle isn’t going to go out.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Understanding Self Esteem?

Ok so if you’ve been following my blog postings, you will have heard me talk about Carolyn Myss and how her 4cd’s looking at Self Esteem, kick-started an internal journey of transformation and empowerment. I have shared the CDs with friends who have found them extremely useful, and now I would like to share them with you, by attempting to summarise the main points Carolyn makes. Please note; I have listened to these CDs many times and therefore hope I am able to successfully relay Carolyn’s message, however others who listen to them may get a different perspective than I have.

Carolyn sees self esteem as the fundamental power of life, as our spirit engaged in action. How we feel about ourselves affects every aspect of our life such as; health, finances, and relationships (with others as well as ourselves). When we don’t respect or regard ourselves enough, and constantly look to others for approval it could be said we are suffering from low self esteem.

We co create our own reality.
Prior to the present day, self esteem was often defined by the groups we belonged to; i.e tribes, communities, and families. Collective Self esteem was about living up to the expectations of these groups; we didn’t need to think so much for ourselves, we followed the decisions the group made. Whereas now, in a society less influenced by the collective, we are finding we need to manage our own thoughts and make our own decisions. We are now much more involved in co creating our own reality. Every time we let someone else speak up for us we abdicate our right to co create our reality. Having self esteem allows us to take charge of the co creation process.

What is healthy self esteem?
Is it about what we look like? Well yes that can be a part of it, and if we accept we can co create our reality, we can actually make a changes to our appearance if we want to. However if we had high self esteem we wouldn’t worry what we looked like, we would be able to wear whatever we wanted to, and we wouldn’t worry about what other people thought of us, because the only person’s opinion that would matter is our own.

Carolyn sees self esteem as the spiritual gateway to empowerment. She suggests self esteem is about listening to your intuition (listening to your self), and respecting and regarding what your intuition tells you. It’s about accepting the voice within. Listening to the self is not a gift. It’s a skill that needs practice. You just can’t read a book on self esteem and develop it; it requires action. Self esteem is a verb not a noun.

Self esteem is also about having the ability to lead an invisible life, and not need applause for our actions, not need recognition for our kindness. We get the respect etc from ourselves and therefore don’t need it to be recognised by others.

To develop healthy self esteem we need to know and understand every aspect of our lives; everything we say, everything we do, the way we treat people, the way we engage with our own life, whether or not we can fulfil our own potential, whether or not we know our own potential. Everything begins with whether or not we can make a commitment not to base our lives dependant on the approval of other people, and respect and regard our own voice/opinion and life.

Why we don’t want to develop self esteem.
We protect and cover ourselves by screening our intuition. We may not want to hear some of the things our intuitive voice is telling us; we only want to hear good stuff. Many people get introduced to their ‘self’ through their pain; i.e. ‘See what my family have done to me’ etc. We can create a whole culture around knowing ourselves through our wounds and our pain, we can become stuck in the role of victim, and therefore suppress the self, and are fearful of digging anymore into the ‘self’. In this situation we often don’t want to take that one step further.

Risks of developing self esteem.
Not everyone is going to celebrate your empowerment, as it will inevitably affect your relationships with other people. An example could be if you are involved in a partnership with a power imbalance, such as; when your partner has been reliant on you being more subservient/vulnerable etc. Suddenly self empowerment, self regard, and self healing presents a threat/slap in the face to these partners. Similarly in relationships with friends, as your sense of self and empowerment kicks in, you may not play the role of pleaser in that relationship anymore. You will be changing your relationship with people; you won’t be asking for their permission/approval any more. This type of situation is very likely to create conflict and/or the need to make big (possibly life changing) decisions. You are basically telling people with whom you have relationships with, that you are changing the relationship dynamic, and this is going to be a challenge for them as well as yourself.

The birth of the self.
Carolyn believes the birth of the self is inevitable. At some point we will all reach the moment when a light bulb comes on, and says either you change the rules, or you are going under. We need to understand self esteem within the context of our spiritual paths. How does self esteem relate to spirituality? Self esteem is your spirit emerging. As our spirit emerges, our self provides us with answers and direction about what we need to do. Consciousness means becoming conscious of how much power we have, and how we choose to use that power. Becoming empowered enough to listen and act on the messages/directions from our inner self, is a spiritual experience and not an ego trip.

Developing self esteem is about developing the self in such an empowered way, that we can listen to these instructions which direct is towards maximising our highest potential, on behalf of the whole of life. Being esteemed is about holding ourselves accountable for our thoughts and actions. We need to ask; why am I doing what I am doing? What is my hidden agenda? It’s not just about finding out the rules it’s about living the rules. How you operate with in ourself, everything, every part of our lives, everything that goes on in the world is about taking responsibility for ourselves. Developing the self involves taking responsibility for the power of your soul.

Carolyn believes, and I agree with her, that the self is going to come out; you can only repress it for so long. One day you will meet yourself. You can either meet it and let it shine, or meet it through your shadow.

Self esteem and choice.
When someone asks you a question do you think about what they may want to hear and answer accordingly, or do you respect yourself enough to answer truthfully and really reflect what you want to say? How you operate the power you now know you have, the manner with which you conduct yourself, is your choice. Every choice we make is related to our self esteem.

Your entire life revolves around choice. People often choose to shop in order to give the impression that they are a certain type of person. For example the type of car we have can say something about us. However with high self esteem it doesn’t matter what you drive; you can drive a tin box with wheels. You don’t have to wear who you are all over the place. If you make all the choices you have wanted to take, including how you choose to respond to how people talk to you, then you are truly esteemed. Do you find you respond to someone in a certain way because they make you feel insecure or intimidated? With high self esteem you become silently empowered, no one can intimidate you. You choose to know who you are, and you have your priorities in life figured out, and respect and trust your‘self’. If you need to ask permission from others to become empowered, you are never going to get there.

Self esteem and love.
Love is another important aspect of self esteem. Without a strong sense of self you may develop insecure love, manipulative love, hysterical love or self agenda love. You really need to be able to love yourself more than you love someone else. However by accepting this you also need to be strong enough to give your partner the same privilege; allow them to love themselves more than they love you. If you can’t do this you may always be thinking of how much your partner loves you, and be focused on what if they leave you if they develop themselves.

The paradox of progress.
You may think by developing by self esteem you will become incredibly empowered, whereas in fact the stronger sense of self you have the more likely you are to hold yourself accountable to higher standards. Developing self esteem is not easy. You need to be strong enough to live by these new rules coming from your intuition. You choose how to direct your energy, and your choices actually become more limited, however the consequences of your choices become more powerful. You need to be able to pause and try and relate every choice you make to self esteem.
As you build a sense of interior worth, you realise that negativity generates negativity, and you don’t always have to let someone know if they have hurt or upset you. You can you take care of yourself in the spiritual, physical, and emotional world. Developing self esteem is a great gift to your’self’ and to others.

It took longer than I expected to summarise CD1. It was not an easy task.
CD2 starts to look at how to develop self esteem.
It may take me a while before I do but expect a summary in the not too distant future.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

We give the little word 'stress' too much power

I have had a fun filled weekend, involving much fun and alcohol as my brother came down to Cornwall to celebrate his 40th birthday. I was so pleased he chose to come down here to share the celebrations with his family. It was an honour. However when Monday came as I hadn’t done any household chores or writing at the weekend, there seemed to be so much to do, and not enough time slots to do it all in. I wondered how I was going to manage to fit every thing in, even though some of what I was trying to fit it was fun stuff, such as a visit from a friend and going to the cinema. One of my main worries was that I wouldn’t find any time to research and write an article to post on Wednesday. Monday morning I felt very overwhelmed, and started to feel panicked, my body tensed up, I rushed around but didn’t get anything done any quicker, and I was even hyperventilating. Then I thought to myself this is silly, if I can’t do everything this week, Is it life threatening? Is it really important in the big scheme of things? I was feeling stressed about doing fun things which took the fun out of them completely? I was allowing myself to be stressed, and knew I had to do something about it or I wouldn’t manage the week.

I think sometimes we use the word ‘stress’ as a cop out. We give this little word too much power. By saying we are stressed we are using an excuse, placing the blame on something/one else for the way we are feeling, and then we make ourselves the victim. However playing the victim doesn’t help us feel any better; by concentrating on negatives we are just creating more negativity. Stress could be considered to be a fearful reaction to life’s constant changes.

The only life I have control over is mine and only I control my life. So I decided to take control, examine what I was fearful of, and examine what I could do to release the fear. I realised that I would let my mind race onto all the tasks ahead of me which was using energy I didn’t have to spare, instead of concentrating in the here and now. Concentrating and doing one thing at a time, and not letting my mind race ahead of me, was enough to make me feel so much calmer. I also had a CD with one minute meditations which I was able to do (after all if I couldn’t spare one minute I really was in trouble). By taking the time to think through, examine why I was panicking, and being proactive in making changes to ensure I felt calmer and capable, my week ended up flowing quite nicely. Everything fell into place, and I even ended up with spare time, and was able to find time to do enough research and writing to produce an article I was happy with.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Positive Affirmations

A friend sent me some positive affirmations the other day, which I really like, and thought it would be nice to share them with all you lovely people, but first I want to share my thoughts on affirmations. As part of my continued empowerment, alongside listening to the Carolyn Myss Self esteem CDs, and practising meditation I have also got into the habit of doing positive affirmations.

I was reading Louise Hay ‘You can heal your life’ the other day and she mentions how many of us may have got stuck in the habit of saying negative affirmations to ourselves, such ‘I can’t do that’, ‘They won’t like me’ I don’t deserve this’ etc. She suggests saying affirmations don’t work is an affirmation in itself. Louise also makes a connection between dis-ease, ill health, and negative thinking, and while I do agree, that a positive mental attitude can help with your physical health as well as your mental health, I must admit I do not agree with Louise’s theories that cancer and other illnesses can be caused by negative thinking, and you can cure yourself by doing positive affirmations. I feel that maybe these rather extreme beliefs may contribute towards people seeing people who practice positive affirmations as kooky, weird, airy fairy etc.

However, I am finding practising positive affirmations, a very useful practise in the process of reprogramming my thought patterns. It just seems to make sense to me; as constantly talking negatively to ourselves is bound to contribute to feeling low, so therefore learning to talk positively to ourselves is quite likely to contribute to us feeling happier. I realised that I had been stuck in negative ways of thinking such as: placing unrealistically high expectations on myself and self bullying for most of my life. Since doing positive affirmations it is actually changing the way I think. The only way to explain this is to give an example. I mentally say affirmations to myself while swimming (often for about an hour), and the affirmations I say include: ‘I open the door to my heart inwards with love. As I forgive myself it becomes easier to be able to forgive others. I allow myself to make mistakes, and realise any mistakes I make are opportunities to learn something new. Every experience has something to teach me’. When I made a mistake in the past I would beat myself up, tell myself I am weak, unworthy, a person who can’t cope like other people can, whereas now when I do see mistakes as an opportunity to learn something which can now help me move forward and become stronger.

So whether you think affirmations kooky or recognise the benefit of saying them here are the affirmations I wanted to share with you:

I notice the beauty of nature and feel blessed to be part of it.

I accept change and welcome new beginnings.

Where I am is where I am meant to be.

I have everything I need because of this I am filled with contentment and peace.

The past is my history, the future is my unknown, I choose to live in the present.

My entire being radiates love and joy to the world around me.

I remember the past, learn from it, then release it. I love who I am.

My home is filled with joy, love laughter, understanding and serenity.

The only life I have control over is mine and only I control my life.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A few words

A couple of weeks ago I said to myself I would start writing regularly again in this blog, even if I just write a few words.

So here are a few words describing my weekend:


Wednesday, April 08, 2009

The things I do before a full moon

When a full moon is coming up I do things like:

  • Become ultra sensitive, completely emotional, and obsessive. In the days coming up to a full moon I can obsess, count and have to account for every single pair of my socks for example.
  • Panic and run out of the swimming pool dripping wet, still in my costume and hat, to make an ‘URGENT’ phone call to my daughter about a missed dentist appointment.
  • Spend the next half an hour crying uncontrollably and thinking I’ll never be able to go to the swimming pool again.
  • Sit on a bench two metres away from a sheer drop and hold on to the bench for safety.
  • And in complete contrast have a sudden urge to run forward two metres (almost as if I can feel the pull of the moon).
  • Find the beginning of the film ‘The boat that rocked’ emotionally overwhelming, and the tears flow within the first minute. It’s a comedy!!!
  • Want to walk out of town and just keep walking.
  • Want to listen to emotional tortured music as loud as I possibly can.

However I do all these things and I know it will pass when the moon is full.

As Aldous Huxley said:

“We cannot reason ourselves out of our basic irrationality, All we can do is learn the art of being irrational in a reasonable way”

(from Island 1962 pg201)

Saturday, April 04, 2009

The battle between the heart and the head

I am sure many people reading this can identify with the battle we sometimes go through, about whether to listen to our hearts or our heads. This paragraph from Carolyn Myss’s book ‘Sacred Contracts’ seems to be very insightful of what actually goes on (for me anyway):

“We frequently don’t know why we do the things we do, or why we have to cope with inexplicable fears. This leads to painful conflict when we feel one way and act another, separating mind and heart.
Living with mind and heart divided is like having two battle encampments within, each one fighting for authority over our power of choice. When isolated from each other the heart and mind are each handicapped; the mind tends to be become hyperrational, and the heart, overly emotional. This imbalance of forces fragments our power. And like a nation in which opposing forces are constantly at war with each other, when our nature os fragmented, it is vulnerable to being dominated by fear. As Jesus said, ‘If a kingdom is divided against itself, it cannot stand’ (Mark 3:24).”

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Update on Life

Hey I can’t quite believe how long its been since my last blog posting (although I have kept up with my ‘Jax writers spot’ blog). So here goes with a brief summary and update of my life:

It was the first Christmas without my Dad, so I went to my Mums to cook Christmas dinner, and it was a really lovely day. Spending time with family is after all what I believe Christmas is about. An added bonus was that as I was driving, I didn’t end up feeling rough by the evening which I do when I stay at home and have the first glass of wine while I am cooking. We (all my daughters and I) also still went to my Mums for the traditional cold meat and salad Boxing Day lunch. All in all not only did I really enjoy our couple of family days, but my Mum enjoyed herself too, which is all I really wanted.

My bestest Christmas pressie was a MP3 player. I still need a little help when it comes to putting music on it, but I love it. To supplement the swimming I now also go on a long walk (or should I say stomp) every week, listening to some of the 20plus odd CD’s I have stored on this oh sooo tiny device.

I am still swimming a couple of times a week. As I’m not doing the sponsored swim at first I found it little more difficult to motivate myself, especially as after new year the pool got really busy for a while, and I really don’t like having to dodge people and being continually splashed in the face, but as the new years resolutions were abandoned the pool got quieter again, I seem to have settled into a routine and generally swim a mile and a half a week.

I have decided not to hide aspects of myself on this blog (after questioning whether admitting a history of mental health may affect work prospects). So after feeling brighter and happier than I have felt for many years, I am now ready for and looking at returning to Advice and information work (while still continuing with writing), and may have some work lined up to start in June (when the funding is available). I am taking it step by step.

Probably the biggest news this week is I am going to be in a book, it is a local small paperback book, published by the mental health team, that can be picked up for free in doctor surgeries etc, but never the less it is a book. I am going to the book launch on Friday, at a conference at the Eden project. After lots of thought I am going to share my piece with you as it is also probably the best update of the changes in my life:

Changing my perception of panic
For many years negativity, fear, and anxiety have been a big part of my life. Last year I had a feeling it would be a good year, however it was a year of disasters starting off with the unexpected death of my father, and shortly after that I experienced a traumatic assault. My anxiety went off the wall, and I was experiencing a lot of panic. I recognise that that mental health is often misunderstood, and I felt that people seeing me in a state of anxiety when I was out and about, may think I was just overreacting, and I should pull myself together. I internalised these imagined perceptions, beat myself up for not ‘having control’, and I ended up hardly going out of my front door.

Apparently ‘Disaster’ means from the stars, indicating a long held belief that bad things happen for reasons known only by the heavens. I can’t pinpoint when, but one day I realised that only I could turn myself around. Experiencing such trauma actually kick started a journey of transformation; It was not an easy journey, I started listening to some self help CDs on self esteem, which made me step back, look at my life, and discover (not always good) aspects of myself. By recognising these aspects, they were easier to deal with and I was less likely to beat myself up for my perceived weaknesses. The CDs helped me value my own opinion, instead of placing so much importance on what other people thought about me. The only person’s approval I need is my own. By listening to the CDs every day I was basically reprogramming and changing my thought patterns. I also started meditation; at first I was terrible at it, but it got easier, and I found the deep relaxation very beneficial in reducing anxiety.

After many months of ‘self work’, I found I was not only able to go into town shopping, I was also able to go in with a smile on my face, a smile which was there not as a mask but because I felt good. I do still feel fear take over me, and get caught up in negativity; however I am now gentler on myself. I recognize anxiety is a part of me, I accept it, I don’t beat myself up about it, and I am able to bounce back quicker. After many years of being completely overwhelmed by any stresses, a cluster of disasters has actually enabled me to feel more positive than I have done for around 8 years. Maybe it was a good year after all.