Sunday, October 08, 2023

The cycle continues

It's just a quick post as G has fallen asleep & I've got peace for a while & I'm taking the opportunity to read a great book I've got on the go. I wanted to check on here to see when G was last ill and it was only a couple of weeks ago. The cycle continues. It's been a really  shitty weekend: G is on a binge. He started to feel ill Friday morning and was sick, & then carried on drinking & has not stopped since then. Today he was really sick again & this afternoon had about 4 blackouts when he goes over. It's very likely he will be really ill again next week.  I've been on high alert and so has our dog. I went out for a walk in the hope he would fall asleep & he has. It's not fun I'm constantly in a bad mood because my tolerance to him being drunk is low. Yesterday he was not remembering what he did a few minutes earlier. I had to explain everything that's happened,  everything I was doing & why. It's so tiring. So now I'm going to enjoy a bit of peace & read a good book. X