Monday, April 23, 2007

Off for an early night

Just realised it’s my birthday 2 weeks after my brother’s birthday, which is this Wednesday, and all our work is due in two days after that. So what have I done to ensure I’m on the track to getting everything finished? I’ve sat on my arse, staring at the laptop. I think the thought of it all has tired me out.

Or could it be because I spent Friday extreme spring cleaning well into the evening, prior to my landlord’s visit on Saturday, had a couple of fun energetic evenings, and then on Sunday packed up Tamsin’s belongings into the car, drove to Exeter, unloaded and drove back? Whatever the reasons, I feel absolutely shattered, braindead, and have not actually achieved much today, apart from having a blood test, for thyroid again. I hope it shows something up this time, it would explain my constant tiredness.

Oh no wait a minute, I’ve also finally set up a link so I can change my website. Anyway that’s it, I’m off to get an early night.


A Bed and a Toothbrush said...

Hi Jacqui
Thanks for the comment! My blog has been invisible till now so it's a surprise!
I highly recommend the restorative properties of nail polish on the toes - well worth the effort, I've always found.
Perhaps you just need to find a new favourite colour. Ideal birthday present to yourself!

Occasional Poster of Comments said...

I have loads of Business Writing stuff to do for Friday, so, yep, obviously I've spent the night staring at my laptop. Still, they say 90% of writing is procrastination*.

*Ok, so I made that up, but hopefully if I repeat it often enough... [fingers crossed].