Sunday, September 07, 2008

It takes around 21 days for new activities to become a habit, and 6 months for them to become part of a lifestyle.

You may have noticed I haven’t posted a blog for a long time; unfortunately I’ve not been in a good place. I won’t bore you with the details, but it’s actually not surprising with what has happened in the space of a few months. I was saying to my lovely bestest buddy yesterday that I had a feeling 2008 would be a good year for me, but instead it has thrown challenges at me left right and centre. She pointed out that by my thinking it would be a positive year has probably helped me through it. So I’m going to focus on positives! One really positive aspect of 2008 is, of course, my bid to be healthier. I am eating really well, I am a weight I am happy with, and with all the swimming and exercising I am also fitter. I’ve swum a mile (which had always been an ambition of mine) a fair few times now, and I’m able to work so much harder with the exercise/dance DVD’s.

Also as I haven’t posted a blog for a long time, you may not be aware I am still not smoking (It’s been about 2 ½ months now). I started on patches at the beginning of July, as I was slipping up once or twice a day without them. With patches I didn’t crave cigarettes at all. About five weeks ago I went down to 5mg patches, and then a couple of weeks ago I forgot to put one on one day and I haven’t used them since. If you really want to give up smoking I really would recommend trying the patches. I can also congratulate myself for staying strong and not grabbing for the cigarettes through quite a traumatic time.

Anyway with what I’ve achieved I think it’s about time I ease up on the ‘New Year new me’ diary, and I went back to writing about whatever springs to mind. However I may have to throw in a few updates just to keep myself on track. It takes around 21 days for new activities to become a habit, and 6 months for them to become part of a lifestyle, and apart from the smoking, I would say healthy living is now part of my lifestyle.

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