Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I've entered the digital world!

It’s definitely been a week of ups and downs. Over the weekend my friend Ian, who was staying with me, got a phone call from London, as his son had a serious accident. I won’t go into details, as it’s not my place, but he’s already had two operations, and they are unsure about whether they can fix one of his legs. It’s been a rollercoaster of emotions for Ian this weekend. He has been through this before as many years ago his brother was stabbed, and ended up in a wheelchair. I felt completely useless as all I could do was be there for him. He’s now gone back up to London to be with his family.

Work wise many opportunities have opened up this week. I’ve been asked through chatting on ‘my space’ to write an article on Gypsy Love who is a burlesque performer. I’ve been researching the history of burlesque, which is more about the tease than the strip, and it’s going to be a very interesting article to write. I’m also off to Port Elliot Literary festival this weekend, to help my friend Teresa with her media project. She’s creating a promotional website for them, and I am there to interview some of the performers. I hope it’s sunny.

On Monday after Ian had gone, I acted on impulse, and decided to take the plunge into the digital world. I brought a top box! I had been holding back as I don’t know whether I am right, but I believed if enough people can’t get digital they won’t be able to do the switchover. However the temptation of Film4 got me in the end. I was talking to a friend about it yesterday and she said Cornwall is one of the first areas to go digital, which seems mad to me, as coverage here is so crap. In Looe for example, they can’t even get Sky let alone Freeview. In Lostwithiel my friend had to get Sky just to get the 4main channels. Why use an area with such terrible television reception, and where many people can’t even use any of the digital options, as a pilot area?

Anyway I am now ready for the switchover, and I’ve been enjoying watching Friends every night. In the 21 years with my ex husband I hardly ever watched Friends, as he didn’t like it and we watched something else together. The past two years I’ve been catching up with it, and the beauty of not watching it for so long is I still catch episodes I’ve never seen before.

Its not going to change my life, I don’t like to watch too much television anyway. Apart from having the opportunity to watch a film if I want to, its more for Megs than for me and she is thrilled, especially as she can now watch ‘first look’ Hollyoaks.

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