Saturday, December 17, 2022


One thing I did not update you on since my Hope post was that G rang me in the middle of the night in hospital to say he had been kidnapped & put in a mental health ward. He asked me to call the police. He was moved on the middle of the night  which should not happened. The next day he told me he could be discharged after he had a scan. He told me he had the scan so I picked him up. That night he told me he stayed in the corridor  all night because he saw rats running across the floor & he did not know where he  was. He thought he was in a care home & he was a member of staff. The night he  wanted me to call the police I spoke to the doctor on the ward who said he thought G was having symptoms of detox  After I picked him up he said he saw a rat running across our bedroom floor, & then admitted to me the doctor had  spoken to him & expressed his  concern G war suffering alcohol withdrawal & was hallucinating & should not leave.  G left & drank a very few ciders  ( which stopped withdrawal symptoms) but did not solve the problem  

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