Saturday, April 12, 2008

New me, An over due update

Ok Ok I know its been a while since my last blog, however I haven’t managed to keep up with not smoking, and have avoided admitting that to you all. I managed a week and a half, and then found myself in an emotional mess, I was mega sensitive and spent the Thursday crying all day, and then I had a ciggy. Since then I have smoked a few cigarettes every day, but have not got back to smoking as many as I did.

I have now got a nicotine replacement inhalator, to help me try to quit again on Monday. I was really shocked how violent the withdrawal symptoms were, especially as I actually managed to get nicotine completely out of my system. I am very disappointed, but I’m not beating myself up.

The exercise and the healthy eating are going great though. In the Easter holidays, with extended swimming sessions, I managed to swim a mile twice. The second time it only took me an hour and fifteen minutes to swim the 64 lengths. When I first started swimming in January it took an hour to swim half a mile.

I had, as you may know, reached a plateau with weight loss and have remained about 10st for a few months. I am very happy with this weight, but I didn’t want to put on weight when I gave up smoking so I started taking Kelp in the mornings (which can boost the metabolism). I don’t know whether it is down to the Kelp, because I can’t think of anything different I have done this week, but I am now 9st11lbs meaning I have lost 4lbs in a week. I will be quite happy to put that back on again when I give up smoking.

Anyway it’s a mixture of good news and bad news. Hopefully next time I post an update I will be smoke free again. I am determined; I loved not smelling of smoke, and not having yellow fingers. I was breathing much easier, my skin looked great, and my eyes were much clearer. I will get there again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jacqui,

I just found your blog through doing a search on for "Rosemary Conley" so I hope / assume you are also on the Rosemary Conley low flat plan?

Although having just read one of your posts about weighing 9st 11 lbs, to me you are a "slim" person with hardly anything to lose.

But I expect it's all down to personal perspective (I am mega obese and trying to lose half my body weight).

Best wishes,