This is a quick post as G is out shopping. I have a sober journal & as well as recording my sober journey I'm adding up what G spends on cider. I've been sober for 2 months and a week now. From pay pay to payday the first month I did this he spent £274.65 & £305.48 the next. We are really struggling to have enough money for food for the month. Some months direct debits are bouncing. I have not got enough money to be able to buy Chritmas presents and will be doing this on accounts, but he has to get the cider as he is physically addicted & just stopping will cause detox symptoms such as hallucinations & delusions I could not cope with at home.
When I told him how much it added up to be said he will half the cost this month. Last Friday he did not go to supermarket to get weekend supply & went & got one bottle (6 pints) from our local store to limit himself. On the Saturday he then limited himself to one an hour to make his set limit last the day. Then on payday he had one day not limiting & having a bit of a binge but was back to being careful the next day. I will report back if he manages to half his bill.